
Why WhizAI Stands Apart from Other Enterprise BI Solutions

Why WhizAI Stands Apart from Other Enterprise BI Solutions

Why WhizAI is the Clear Choice Among Life Sciences Enterprise BI Solutions

  • Domain-specific:
    Pre-trained on massive amounts of life sciences data and processes, WhizAI provides cognitive insights that your users can trust and act upon instantly. . Furthermore, WhizAI deploys in only weeks rather than months necessary to deploy a generic AI solution for a life sciences company.
  • Interoperable:
    WhizAI integrates with the business applications life sciences companies commonly use to enable data to flow freely to the people and processes that will benefit from it. Additionally, with integration with Salesforce, Veeva, and Microsoft Teams that employees use regularly, it’s easy to build data-driven decision making into workflows.
  • Scalable:
    WhizAI overcomes the challenges life sciences companies face with the scalability of their legacy enterprise BI solutions. WhizAI is designed for scalability, from its microservices architecture managed via Kubernetes to adapters that enable out-of-the-box integration with life science data sources. Furthermore, WhizAI analyzes petabytes of data in less than a second and will continue to deliver fast, relevant insights as data volumes increase.
  • Secure:
    To meet life science companies’ need for enterprise BI solutions that protect data, WhizAI is highly secure. WhizAI continually monitors security intelligence resources to minimize risks from cyberattacks. The platform also includes security features such as multifactor authentication (MFA) to ensure only authorized users can access corporate data.

WhizAI Brings Advanced Technology to Life Sciences Enterprise BI Solutions

Life sciences enterprises need data analytics to remain competitive in a constantly changing space. However, the number of data sources and the sizes of those data sets that can inform decisions continue to grow. Dashboard-based enterprise BI solutions have limited scalability, often resulting in using numerous dashboards and requiring employees to refer to multiple reports for the information they need.
WhizAI changes the life sciences analytics unit of work from a dashboard to a question. WhizAI’s hybrid natural language processing (NLP) engine enables the solution to understand how life science company employees speak day-to-day and respond with relevant, contextual insights and optimized visualizations. Moreover, when users need new information, it’s not necessary to have the data team spend weeks creating a new dashboard and running an analysis. They just have to ask a follow-up question.
Additionally, WhizAI answers users' questions specific to the markets in which they work, their geographic regions, their roles within the company – and even in their native language.

The Benefits of WhizAI

Support for a Culture of Data

With easy access to insights, life sciences company employees can build data-driven decision making into their workflows. WhizAI integrated with business applications allows users to consult data before meetings or on the road using PCs, laptops, mobile devices or even SMS. More importantly, however, employees will see better outcomes and perform their jobs more successfully when they base decisions on data. That success leads to companies using WhizAI to see up to 100% user adoption.

Instant Insights for Executives

Life science company executives, like their teams, need data-based insights to make pivotal decisions. However, they rarely have the time to use dashboards and read reports. More often, an analyst provides a summary, which delays insights and can reflect the analyst’s biases. WhizAI gives members of a life sciences company’s executive team to ask questions and receive near-instant insights, basing analysis on the same data that their teams use throughout the organization.


WhizAI also leads life sciences enterprise BI solutions in reliability. The platform leverages microservices architecture, ensuring continuous operability, even during updates. WhizAI is also designed to be highly scalable. Regardless of a question’s complexity or the number of data sources required to answer it accurately, WhizAI still provides the answer in less than a second.


Life sciences companies need to analyze new market developments, drug trials, approvals, prescriber trends, and more to provide teams with relevant insights that will lead to smart decisions. WhizAI’s platform points users in the direction of the best next steps to take immediately, rather than waiting weeks for a dashboard enterprise BI solution to provide the information they need.

Data ROI

Most life sciences companies fail to see fast and decision return on investment (ROI) from their data acquisition investment when using traditional enterprise BI solutions. However, with WhizAI, companies will put insights into the hands of augmented data consumers enabling enhanced productivity, performance, and outcomes across all lines of business.

Finally see the increased competitiveness, productivity, and profitability with intelligent decision making throughout life sciences organizations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does WhizAI require users to learn keywords?

Users are able to ask WhizAI questions conversationally. It’s not necessary for them to pose questions using specific words or phrases – or to spend hours training to learn them. WhizAI is pre-trained in the language and data sources of life sciences, so, out of the box, it understands life science users and provides relevant insights. Users only require a few minutes of training to familiarize themselves with the platform.

Does WhizAI learn and update?

WhizAI automatically uses the most current data available. Additionally, when a user asks a question and follow-ups, WhizAI learns and fine-tunes future responses.

How long does it take to see ROI from WhizAI?

Although each company is unique, WhizAI users see fast ROI as market access, patient services, and field sales teams quickly adapting workflows to include data-based decision making.

Which data sets does WhizAI use?

WhizAI is designed to use life sciences primary and secondary data sources – companies aren’t limited in the number of data sources they can use.

Will WhizAI replace dashboards?

Users have the choice of using WhizAI as a standalone solution or complementing dashboard enterprise BI solutions. With WhizAI, companies can reduce the number of dashboards they maintain from more than 20 to about five.

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