
Enhance Operations with Easily Accessible Pharma Manufacturing Analytics

Enhance Operations with Easily Accessible Pharma Manufacturing Analytics

Data-driven decision by WhizAI

The challenge is getting data insights to executives, managers, and pharma manufacturing teams when they need them. WhizAI’s augmented consumer platform for life science analytics minimizes the time from data acquisition to insight. In addition, it enables everyone, even people without “data scientist” in their titles, to build data-driven decision making into their workflows.

How WhizAI Delivers Pharma Manufacturing Analytics

  • Fast
    Pharma manufacturing teams accustomed to waiting weeks for new business intelligence (BI) dashboard or days for reports will step into a new era with WhizAI. The platform analyzes billions of records from unlimited numbers of data sources to provide insights directly to the user in a sub-second.
  • Domain-Specific
    Generic artificial intelligence (AI) platforms developed for use across a wide range of verticals can take months to deploy for pharma manufacturing analytics. WhizAI is pre-trained for life sciences, accelerating deployment and allowing users to ask questions naturally and get the answers they need from day one.
  • Autonomous
    Companies using WhizAI decrease their reliance on IT and data teams by as much as 60%. The no-code WhizAI platform allows everyone in a pharmaceutical company to configure screens and access data easily. Also, WhizAI’s hybrid natural language processing (NLP) engine understands how life sciences teams communicate and accurately interprets intent out of the box. Users can get the answers they need without intervention by a data team.
  • Consistent
    WhizAI creates a single source of truth for pharma manufacturing analytics insights. All stakeholders, from the manufacturing plant and R&D labs to the C-suite, base decisions on the same updated data.

Is An Augmented Consumer Platform for Life Sciences Analytics Right for Your Team?

By and large, pharmaceutical companies have made sizable investments in their BI dashboard solutions, and they’re key to many internal processes, including pharma manufacturing analytics. With WhizAI, there’s no need to rip and replace. Pharma companies can use WhizAI’s augmented consumer platform for life sciences with a dashboard solution to overcome challenges, including:

  • Reaching the limit of how much dashboards can scale
  • Achieving a return on investment (ROI) from data acquisition and data warehousing
  • Enabling the data science team to operationalize the algorithms they’ve developed

Using both dashboard solutions and WhizAI, companies can deliver contextual, dynamic pharma manufacturing analytics to users who need them.

Additionally, the combination can lower the total cost of ownership (TCO) for analytics. With WhizAI, companies have been able to reduce the number of dashboards they maintain from more than 20 to about five.

When factoring in that building a data culture will lead to innovation, greater market penetrations, and higher revenues and profitability, deploying WhizAI brings significant value to a pharma company’s data strategy.

To learn more, watch The Rise of the Augmented Consumer in Life Sciences: Shaping the Analytics and Business Intelligence Strategy on demand.

The Benefits of WhizAI for Pharma Manufacturing Analytics

Questions, Not Dashboards

WhizAI changes the unit of analytics work from a dashboard to a question. Users ask WhizAI questions about the supply chain, compliance standards, or competitor activity, and WhizAI responds in an instant with accurate information. Furthermore, if users need more specific information, WhizAI delivers it immediately – users don’t have to wait for new reports.

Contextual Insights

Enterprise pharmaceutical manufacturers providing drugs to different countries must stay aware of different needs, regulations, and market conditions. WhizAI has the ability to provide insights specific to users’ regions, markets, and products – and even deliver information in their native languages.

Anytime, Anywhere Access

WhizAI integrates with the business applications pharmaceutical companies commonly use, like Veeva, Microsoft Teams, and Salesforce. When users are working in those applications, insights from WhizAI are just a few clicks away. Additionally, users can access pharma manufacturing analytics insights from a PC, laptop, tablet, or smartphone in the office or on the go.

High Scalability

WhizAI can analyze petabytes of data and provide pharma manufacturing analytics in less than a second. In addition, pharma companies aren’t limited to the number of data sources they use.

High User Adoption

Data-driven decision making leads to better outcomes, and when it’s easy to access insights, users will turn to data more and more. Companies that deploy WhizAI see user adoption as high as 100%.

Learn more about the intelligent way to equip users with pharmaceutical data analytics insights in WhizAI’s weekly demos.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does WhizAI visualize data analytics?

WhizAI automatically chooses the optimal way to present information. Users can configure their screens and the way they prefer to review data in a no-code environment without help from IT.

Is WhizAI secure?

WhizAI is designed with enterprise security, including multifactor authentication (MFA), which requires users to use more than one method of verifying identity. MFA helps to ensure that only authorized users can access the company’s data and analytics.

How long does it take users to learn WhizAI?

WhizAI is pretrained for life sciences, so pharma manufacturing teams can begin using it within minutes and immediately receive accurate responses to their questions.

Does WhizAI learn user preferences over time?

Yes. Its deep learning algorithm self-tunes based on user feedback to precisely refine outputs with use.

Does WhizAI’s model continue to learn?

Yes. Every time a user asks a question, it further expands the system’s understanding of context and intent.

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