
An Enterprise Analytics Solution for Life Sciences

An Enterprise Analytics Solution for Life Sciences

Why Choose the WhizAI Enterprise Analytics Solution

  • Interoperability:
    WhizAI understands how important it is to your organization to create a free flow of data for all the people, processes, and systems that need it. Our platform integrates with your business applications and can be embedded in the software your teams regularly use, such as Salesforce, Microsoft Teams, and Veeva, so your employees can easily build WhizAI into their typical workflows.
  • Scalability:
    WhizAI is purpose-built from the ground up for scalability. WhizAI leverages microservices architecture managed via Kubernetes to create a platform with a limitless ability to expand and extend, giving our development team the freedom to innovate and meet changing life science industry demands. WhizAI also includes adapters that enable out-of-the-box integration with life science data sources, and the platform delivers near-instant responses to queries at any scale.
  • Security:
    To keep your data, network, and business secure, you need an enterprise analytics solution with built-in security features. WhizAI includes multifactor authentication (MFA) to validate users’ identities before granting access to the solution. Additionally, WhizAI has developed its solution with a security-first perspective and continually monitors security intelligence resources to minimize the risk from cyberattacks.
  • Reliability:
    WhizAI comes through with on-the-spot answers to the questions your team needs every time. Reliability is built into our platform’s architecture and our ability to analyze billions of data points in a sub-second. It extends to features such as our natural language processing (NLP) engine that understands the terms and phrases your life sciences team uses – and can even determine the intent if different words are used.

How WhizAI Works for Life Sciences

WhizAI’s enterprise analytics solution solves the problem of too much data. Life sciences data sources are vital to making informed decisions related to patient services, market access, sales, and gaining market share. However, data sources are growing, requiring that an enterprise analytics solution use an ever-increasing volume of data – and BI dashboard solutions that life sciences companies commonly use can’t keep up.

Furthermore, when life sciences teams need new data analysis, data teams typically need weeks to build a new dashboard and generate reports. Then, employees who requested the analysis search through reports to find the specific information they need.

WhizAI’s AI-powered enterprise analytics solution changes the life sciences data analytics unit of work from a dashboard to a question. Our augmented analytics consumer platform allows users to ask questions conversationally via voice or text interface and receive an answer in less than a second, shaving weeks off traditional data analytics processes.

Our enterprise analytics solution delivers highly specific, contextual, and relevant insights, providing instant value to all users. Organizations no longer have to rely on pre-defined dashboards created for a broad range of people. Our platform can provide information based on specific geographic regions, market segments, or the user’s role in the company.

Benefits for Your Life Sciences Team

High User Adoption

Life sciences companies usually see daily usage of dashboard solutions of 30-40%, with some companies only managing about 20%. The time and complexity involved in answering a business question results in employees choosing to trust their instincts and act on opportunities quickly rather than waiting for data analysis.However, the ease that WhizAI brings to data insight delivery enables users to access the information they need after only a few seconds and drives the adoption of 90% or more.


It’s necessary to factor in new market developments, pharmaceutical research and approvals, changes in population health, and more to deliver meaningful insights to your team. WhizAI’s enterprise analytics solution gives you the agility to respond quickly with insights that point your team toward the best next steps to take – rather than waiting weeks for dashboard enhancements.

Insights for Business Leaders

Executives rarely have time to use analytics dashboards. Instead, an analyst studies reports and provides a summary, which increases the time from data to insights and can introduce bias into conclusions. WhizAI’s platform allows members of the C-suite – just like people in all other roles in the organization – simply to ask a question and get the answers they need to make informed decisions. Furthermore, all organization members access insights from the same source, enhancing consistency and alignment among different departments.

A Culture of Data

When your team has experienced the success of leveraging data insights, you’ll see processes evolve as employees factor data insights into each decision. Working in conjunction with BI dashboards and augmented consumer platform fills the gap to provide quick insights, even on the go, before meetings, or before sales calls. Augmented consumers will rely less on your data team for the information they need, freeing analysts and data engineers to perform higher-level analysis that can give your enterprise a competitive edge.


An enterprise analytics solution created specifically for life sciences also enables your organization to see a return on your data acquisition and analysis investment. Data begins to impact decisions in day-to-day workflows and enhance performance across lines of business and among individual employees. More data doesn’t mean better results. An enterprise analytics solution that uses data to deliver relevant insights and move the needle on progress toward business outcomes gives you the outcomes you’re looking for.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take users to see benefits from deploying WhizAI?

WhizAI is pre-trained for life sciences, so market access, patient services, and field sales teams can begin using it within minutes and immediately receive accurate responses to their questions.

Does WhizAI learn user preferences over time?

Yes. Its deep learning algorithm self-tunes based on feedback from users to precisely refine outputs with use.

Can WhizAI use unstructured data?

WhizAI can capture all structured data across your enterprise. Some examples include text, numeric, date, etc. Typically, the data is denormalized data in a data warehouse format. We also support unstructured FAQs and general questions that our algorithms can be trained to answer.

Will WhizAI replace dashboards?

WhizAI can work as a standalone solution, or you can use it to complement your dashboard solution. One of our clients uses WhizAI to reduce the number of dashboards users can access from 20+ to 5. In addition, they built integrated stories for sales reps to get a full view of the business.

Which data sets can WhizAI use?

It’s designed for life science data from primary and secondary sources and can analyze billions of records in a sub-second to provide the insights you need.

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